Here are some of the ideas my son and I ran across when researching possible topics for his science fair project. FYI, he eventually chose: ”Which food produces the most gas?” I can’t imagine a topic more inclined to appeal to adolesent males – with the possible exception of any experiment involving a catapult.
- Do plants grow faster in water or sugar water?
- Do electromagnetic fields effect plant growth?
- How does light color effect plant growth?
- Do electromagnetic fields affect microorganisms?
- How does the quality of water in local streams change over weeks/seasons/years?
- If you systematically remove the smallest fish from a tank of fish, how many generations does it take for the average size of baby fish to start to increase?
- Is there a relationship between eating breakfast and school performance?
- On which foods does fungus grow best?
- Do bananas ripen faster when they are stored next to other fruit? Why?
- What kinds of soil treatments can be used to improve water retention? Which work best?
- Does human hair affect the growth of plants? Why?
- Do plants prefer water delivered in mist form or rain form?
- How does a period of drought affect plant growth? Does the length of the drought matter?
- How does temperature affect the water uptake in plants?
- Is soil necessary for plant growth?
- Does music affect plant growth?
- Does motion affect plant growth?
- Do video games effect heart rate?
- Is there a mathematical relationship between root and stem growth?
- Does the presence of worms in soil affect plant growth?
- How clean or polluted are local bodies of water?
- How do organisms respond to magnets?
- Will plants grown in magnetic soil become magnetic?
- What physical characteristics determine a person’s center of balance
- Do children have better reaction times than adults?
- At what level of darkness does it become impossible to discern colors? Why?
- Does listening to different types of music affect blood pressure?
- What is the effect of adding specific vitamins to plants when you water them?
- Does using lotion really reduce dry skin?
- What environmental factors most contribute to decomposition?
- Do girls and boys have different resting pulse rates?
- Does a large caffeinated soda (or an energy bar; or an energy drink) raise a person’s blood pressure?
- Does jet-lag affect the performance of professional athletes?
- Is everyone’s sense of smell the same?
- Is heart rate affected by music?
- Does foot, eye and ear dominance correlate to hand dominance?
- Does hand dominance correlate to gender?
- Which food do mice like best – cheese or peanut butter?
- What causes plants to grow up?
- Do beans really produce more gas than other vegetables & foods when they are digested?
- Which grows faster – hair or fur?
- Which types of “natural” fertilizer (i.e., compost, hair, mulch, worms) lead to the greatest increase in plant growth?
- Do plants grow better in acidic soil, alkaline soil, or neutral soil?
- What causes iron to rust?
- Does alcohol affect a spider’s ability to spin its web?
- Which popcorn kernels will pop best – kernels that have been frozen, kernels that have been chilled, kernels that have been warmed, or kernels that have been allowed to remain at room temperature?
- Does food prepared in the microwave cool more quickly than food prepared on the stovetop?
- Compare the pH levels in mouths of various animals and humans at different times of day
- Does soil composition and porosity affect root pattern & growth rate?
- Are dogs (or other animals) colorblind?
- Do fish in an aquarium communicate with each other?
- Which fruits and vegetables rot faster at room temperature? Which rot faster in the refrigerator? Why?
- How biodegradable are ‘biodegradable’ products?
- Do different types of warm-ups before physical exercise result in different outcomes?
- Does covering the mouth really help prevent the spread of germs?
- Which citrus fruit has the most Vitamin C?
- What structures do the brains of different insects have in common?
- What are the components of “pond scum”?
- How does the metabolism of an insect compare to the metabolism of a dog (or hamster, or human)?
Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics)
- Do size, shape or mass have the greatest impact on a magnet’s strength?
- What evidence can we find about the rotation of the earth from star trails?
- Does the presence of designated hitters increase the average number of runs in baseball games?
- How does sunspot activity affect radio reception?
- How does particle size affect settling rates?
- How does temperature (or air pressure; or evaporation rate; or substrate; or surface area) affect crystal growth?
- What forces act on soap bubbles to determine their shape?
- What differences can be observed in the way salt & sugar crystals grow?
- What will happen to a rubber ball (or a ping pong ball; or a marble) exposed to dry ice? Why?
- Can the hydrogen and oxygen in water molecules be split?
- How do different thermal cups perform in keeping liquids hot for long periods of time?
- What do magnetic field lines look like? Why?
- What materials block radio raves most effectively?
- Does the shape and mass of an object affect its velocity when sinking through water?
- What is required to build the best paper airplane in the world?
- Do different objects accelerate at different rates?
- What is the most efficient angle for windmill blades?
- What is the relative elasticity of various types of string (i.e., twine, kite string, fishing string, sewing thread)?
- Which material is a better insulator – straw, sand, paper or cloth?
- Do different colors absorb heat differently?
- Do different gases expand differently when heated
- Are “fireproof” fabrics really fireproof (NOTE: Adult supervision required!!)
- Can astronomical observation & math be used to estimate the distance of the sun and the moon from earth?
- What makes stars appear to twinkle? Demonstrate
- How does the viscosity of liquids affect the shape of droplets?
- Can light be bent?
- What color can be seen most clearly through a fog?
- Which type of sunglasses do the best job of absorbing light & protecting the eyes?
- Can solar energy be used to cook food (we mean directly – not indirectly such as creating electricity to run a regular stove!)
- Does regular carbonated soda cause bone to decompose?
- Which brands of carbonated soda are the most corrosive?
- Does temperature change the magnetic field patterns of a standard horseshoe magnet?
- What is the difference between music & noise?
- Which fuels are most efficient in producing energy?
- How does gear size affect gear efficiency?
- Compare different metals (ex: density, buoyancy) & explain similarities/differences
- Compare different woods (ex: density, strength, burn rate) & explain similarities/differences
- What is the best method, other than heat, to melt ice?
- Does the viscosity of a fluid affect its boiling point?
- Compare and explain the resonance of different objects (ex: metals, glass). Explain.
- How does the shape & construction of (insert musical instrument here) affect the sound quality of the instrument?
- What kind of sound carries best through water? Through fog?
- Do metals expand at the same rate when heated?
- Does aluminum foil make a difference in cooking times?
- What is the best nose cone shape for a model rocket?
- What is the best wing design for an aircraft?
- What factors determine solubility of a substance?
- Does temperature affect the pH of acids or alkalines?
- Does the pH level of fruits & vegetables effect their taste?
- Which freezes first, hot or cold water?
- Are there differences in different brands of bottled water?
- How “clean” is rain water in your area?
- What biological or chemical agents do the best job of cleaning up oil spills?
- Does the shape of ice affect melting time? Why?
Electrical & Structural Engineering/IT
- Do potatoes conduct electricity? Why?
- Does salt water light up a light bulb better than regular water? Why?
- How can you use magnets & wire to create electrical current?
- Does the size of a wheel affect the speed of a vehicle?
- How does the shape of a pinewood car affect its speed?
- How does the size of wire (or number of coils, or type of wire) affect the strength of an electromagnet?
- What materials make the best magnetic shields?
- What factors (for example, temperature, color of light, angle of light) affect the current, voltage and power generated by a solar cell?
- How can structures be made more impervious to collapse during an earthquake?
- How can structures be made more impervious to flooding?
- Do quarters and feathers fall at the same speed?
- How does the composition of various balls (i.e., rubber, marble, ping pong) determine how they bounce?
- What is the impact of lever length on the strength of levers? (Or, How does the length of a catapult affect its range?)
- How does shape affect buoyancy?
- What materials make the best shock absorbers (hint: test by dropping eggs from various heights!)
- Which materials work best as sound barriers?
- Does the particle size of sand used to make bricks (or concrete) matter?
- Can light from a Light Emitting Diode (LED) be modulated using sound?
- What materials work best in a sandbag for preventing a flood?
- Does a ceiling fan really reduce room temperature?
- Can eggs withstand a greater force from one direction than from others?
- How can a computer be used to break codes?
- Can encoded information (floppy discs, metro cards, credits cards, etc.) be affected by magnetism (NOTE: Adult supervision required for this one!)
- How is an electrical current affected by temperature (or magnetism, or type of conductor)?
- Is electrical current affected by the diameter of a wire?
- What affects the strength of an electromagnet?
- How many blades should a fan have?
- How does the shape of a kite affect its flight?
- What controls the descent rate of parchutes?
Earth Science
- Where is the current of a stream the fastest?
- Does the amount of water affect the size of a wave?
- What is the greater cause of water erosion in a stream – gradual erosion over time, or major events like storms and floods?
- How does topography affect weather conditions
- How do changes in air pressure affect weather
- How does the growth of vegetation affect soil erosion?
- What are the most effective ways to control soil erosion?
- How do stalactites and stalagmites form?
- How does the size of particles in rivers affect how fast they settle?
- What factors contribute to makes soils more or less porous?
- Can antacids help soil polluted by acid rain
- How do soils in different parts of our area differ?
- What affects evaporation the most … air temperature, water temperature or wind speed?
- What is the relationship between the depth of water and its temperature (or salinity, or pressure)?
- How does the construction of levies along rivers effect erosion & deposition patterns?
- Why do hurricanes gain more power over warm water than cold water? Demonstrate.
- Why is there no wind in the eye of hurricanes? Demonstrate.
- Why are winds highest in the eyewall of hurricanes? Demonstrate.
- How can earthquakes cause tsunamis? Demonstrate.
- How are average temperatures (or average rainfall) changing in your local area (or state? Or country? Or the world?)
- How can you measure wind speed?
- How can you measure atmospheric pressure?
- What is the difference between direct sun & shade? Is it constant or variable?
- Particle fallout: Does the amount of particle pollution in soil vary with distance from a road (or height, or location)?
- What happens to road salts applied to roads after the snow melts? What effect does this have on the environment?
- What would happen to weather if the Earth was a cube?
- How do obstacles affect water (or wave) motion?
- What factors influence the size, shape & other characteristics of cracks in dried mud?
- What does the shape of local streams & water features tell about the geology of the local area
- How much silt is there in a river at different times? How do specific events (rain, droughts, floods) affect silt levels?
- What factors influence dune shape, form and movement?
- What factors influence beach erosion?
- How can rock formations be dated by examining the fossils within them? (use a local formation as an example, if possible)
- How does naturally-occurring asbestos form? Is it as dangerous as the asbestos that contractors once used as insulation for buildings?
Social Science
- If you ask the same question in a negative and positive way, will you get different answers?
- Does the color of a questionnaire affect how people answer the questions?
- Do flashcards with pictures enhance memorization better than flashcards without pictures?
- Are poems with a lot of rhythm, rhyme & different sound devices easier to learn than those written in free verse?
- Do men and woman have the same “favorite colors”?
- Is text written in colored ink easier to remember than text written in black and white ink?
- Are horoscopes accurate? Can their accuracy be measured?
- At what age to people develop the ability to accurately estimate the number of marbles in a jar?
- How do various types of music affect concentration?
- Can subliminal messages really be used to affect how people make decisions?
- Is there such a thing as ESP?
- Can people really tell if they are being stared at?
- Can a computer program help people make decisions?
- Can computer games be used to encourage students to do homework?
- How good are we at hearing one voice in a crowd?
- In communities with voluntary recycling programs paid for by the community or state, what is the average level of compliance?
- Does a bath take less water than a shower?
- What is the average ratio of recyclable waste to unrecyclable waste in your house?
- Does the ability to memorize information vary during the course of a day? Does everyone demonstrate the same daily pattern?
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